Best Way to Permanetly Make Your House Smell Good

Creative person, blogger, freelance writer. Experiences include art, DIY, gardening, storm-spotting, caregiving, farming, reading, and kid wranglin'.


Help! My House Smells Bad!

Want to know some quick, guaranteed ways to make your habitation olfactory property good? Keeping your home fragrant and fresh requires dedication, just sometimes yous need a quick fix.

Maybe unexpected company announced they volition be over inside the hour, and your house smells stale. Or worse, it smells similar the ghosts of yesterday's fried bacon (or onions!).

If y'all spend a lot of time in your house, and then it'south easy to become accepted to the funky odors that outsiders might discover right away. The good news is you tin eliminate those pretty chop-chop, and it doesn't cost very much.

12 Ways to Brand Your Dwelling Smell Fabulous Now

  1. Air it out! Information technology's a scientific fact that old air and new air hate each other, and new air volition e'er win.
  2. Eliminate the stinky culprits. Tackle the smell at its source.
  3. Burn down, spray, and fume out the odour. Candles, air sprays, incenses, and plug-ins are excellent weapons.
  4. Cook something delicious. The smell of fresh-broiled bread will conquer whatsoever bad smells in your home.
  5. Carpet freshener is your friend. See my DIY natural recipe below.
  6. Brand a potpourri out of things yous already have at home (read on for suggestions!)
  7. Exercise a quick wipe-down with a great-smelling household cleaner. Even if you don't take time to make clean your entire home, yous tin can give guests that impression.
  8. Allow your washing car practise all the work because 1 of the virtually wonderful smells in the earth is freshly laundered wearing apparel.
  9. Use cotton fiber ball perfume bombs. Scatter your dwelling house with these little whiffs of pleasure (see how below).
  10. Candle warmers are magical. Just about any liquid that smells good will smell fifty-fifty better when it is heated.
  11. Fabric refreshers are on your side. I'll show you how to make your own for pennies.
  12. DIY furniture polish: A little goes a long way!

1. Air It All Out

The best way to get the quondam, musty air to movement out is to open the windows and allow make clean, fresh air come up in. It's a scientific fact that old air and new air hate each other, and new air will ever win.

For best results, open windows in multiple rooms to get a cross-breeze. No air current bravado outside? That's okay. Turn on your ceiling fans and place box fans or desk fans virtually the windows to draw in fresh air.

This might not be applied if it is very common cold outside, but fifty-fifty a few minutes tin can really help the rooms odour make clean. If you just desire to impress a few guests, endeavor ambulation out the rooms they are most likely to visit if it is besides chilly exterior for opening all the windows.

two. Eliminate the Culprits

A flake more time-consuming, just you won't exist free of the yucky smells until yous've tackled the source. Sometimes, this tin can have a fleck of sleuthing. Some of the culprits:

  • Stinky pet beds/homes
  • Gunky garbage disposal
  • Unclean upholstery
  • Clammy laundry
  • Ancient leftovers in the fridge
  • Ruined produce
  • Mildewed bath corners or windowsills
  • Neglected oven or microwave
  • Kitchen and bathroom sink drains
  • Untended trash cans/diaper pails
  • Dirty throw rugs
  • Musty pillows
  • Really dusty places

It's no joke—dust stinks! What tin can you expect from something that is made primarily of decomposing skin cells? To aid cut down on dust in your home, endeavour decluttering earlier you start deep-cleaning. It'due south much easier to continue clean, clutter-free surfaces dust-free and smelling squeamish!

Speaking of decomposition, if you notice a particularly rotten stench, yous might want to look into corners and behind furniture for dead insects. Deceased crickets and large spiders can actually reek.

Sources of Home Odors and Their Solutions

A few of the ways you can tackle bad odors at their source.

Smelly Area Chemical Cleaner Natural or Bootleg

Litter box

Pet odor neutralizing spray

Baking soda


Scented carpet powders/Febreeze

Blistering soda, borax, babe powder

Trash tin





Hot vinegar or lemon juice+baking soda

Mildewy areas


Tea tree oil

Rooms in general

air freshener spray, potpourri

Essential oils, dryer sheets, homemade potpourri

Mattresses and pillows


Homemade textile refresher, diluted Lysol or other cleaner


three. Burn, Spray, and Smoke Out the Smell

Candles, air sprays, incenses, or plug-ins are excellent weapons against bad smells. These products are the stiff and fast manner to bring some lovely fragrances into your home. However, to go on from being stifled by too much perfume, it is all-time to brand sure all the scents are the same, or at least complementary. Too many dissimilar fragrances and your home will smell similar a potpourri factory.

Read More than From Dengarden

4. Cook Something Delicious

Speaking of onions, not all nutrient smells are bad. In fact, I have a friend who uses onions to her advantage. She fries an onion up before family gatherings, and then anybody is greeted at the door with the delicious smell of fresh, home-cooked food. (The flim-flam here is that food smells are great when they are fresh, not dried.)

Steer clear of heavy, greasy smells like garlic or salary, but consider blistering breadstuff, sautéeing a pan of fresh rosemary, sticking some cinnamon sticks in the boring cooker, or mulling some wine. Broil up a batch of cookies or assistant bread and that warm, sugariness goodness will prevail over everything else.


5. Sprinkle Carpet Freshener Liberally

You tin can brand your own carpet freshener or use a store-bought version. Either way, sprinkling the carpeting and then giving it a quick vacuum can brand a big difference in but a few minutes.

If you have light colored rug, you can even get by with leaving the pulverization underfoot—just sweep it into the fibers for longer-lasting deodorizing. A huge plus to this is that when you vacuum up rug fresheners, your vacuum cleaner will aroma adept, too.

If you don't have any carpeting refresher on hand and there'due south no time to make some, a quick sprinkle with baby powder works well, too, merely I would not recommend it for darker carpets, especially if y'all are in a hurry. Information technology can take a while to vacuum it up entirely, simply the calorie-free, sweet odor is oh-so-worth the trouble.

6. Make Your Own Potpourri

This is super-easy. You lot don't even need to dry any flowers. All you have to practice is boil a pan of water on the stove and add items that smell great, similar orange peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and essential oil.

You can mix and match for the perfect aroma. The steam will deport the scent throughout the house.

If yous demand something even stronger, try filling the bathtub halfway with hot water and calculation a few drops of scented oil. Y'all could even utilise a yummy shampoo.

seven. Do a Quick Wipe-Downwardly With a Household Cleaner

I recently discovered citrus-scented Lysol. It smells wonderful! I keep some diluted in a spray bottle and utilize it whenever I need a clean aroma in a hurry (or whenever I demand to sanitize something).

Since you can wipe simply almost anything with Lysol, it'due south easy to go over piece of furniture, tables, the fridge, the counters, and other un-fresh places in those few minutes earlier guests make it. You tin also add some to your toilet bowls, and the scent volition chop-chop fill your bathroom.

My all time favorite cleaner is regular Pino-Sol. I keep it diluted in a spray bottle to utilise as both a cleaner and a room deodorizer. I beloved the fashion it makes the firm odour well-nigh outdoor-sy after it has dried. Perfect if you don't similar heavy, floral or fruity scents.


8. Allow Your Washing Machine Exercise All the Piece of work

One of the about wonderful smells in the world is freshly laundered clothes. Except, for some reason, it always smells amend at other people's houses.

Although science hasn't solved that mystery, it works to your advantage. If you need the firm to odor skilful quickly, go start a load of laundry. Unless y'all are ane of those people who avoids laundry at all costs, you should take plenty items lying effectually to at least tumble a small load. (With a scented dryer sheet, of course!)

Yous tin also utilize scented dryer sheets instead of cotton fiber balls to tuck around the house. Tucking one into a sunny window can make the whole room smell every bit clean and fresh as your laundry room, too.

nine. Utilise Cotton fiber Brawl Perfume Bombs

This is an old trick, just it really works to make your house aroma good. Soak cotton assurance in your favorite scented oil or cologne and tuck them around the house, out of sight:

  • Betwixt cushions
  • In silk flower arrangements
  • Behind furniture
  • In the A/C panel
  • In your vacuum canister

These are lilliputian whiffs of pleasure to be encountered by anyone who roams effectually your dwelling. Only don't forget where yous hid them all.

x. Candle Warmers Are Magical

If yous don't know what a candle warmer is (aka a candle burner or candle plate), you have been missing out. This little gadget heats jar candles slowly, making the candle last longer and the fragrance smell stronger.

But don't end with candles! Salve those empty candle jars and use them to make your own potpourri. I've used them to heat a lot of unlike concoctions on my candle warmer:

  • A favorite shampoo
  • Textile softener
  • A favorite cleaner (Mr. Make clean with Proceeds, yum!)
  • Essential oils
  • Febreze (diluted)

Equally far equally I know, simply almost whatsoever liquid that smells good will odour even better when it is heated. This is safer and more efficient than leaving the stove on for hours to boil potpourri, too.

Information technology's a cheat, only a skillful cheat. Heating a cleaning mixture (dilute it first, trust me!) can get in seem like you lot've been slaving abroad all 24-hour interval over a hot mop.

Candle warmers are cheap too so you tin can have several working at one time to assist make you seem similar the domestic goddess (or god) that you lot know you actually are.

11. Textile Refresher Is On Your Side

You can utilize Febreze brand (or generic alternatives) to have the stink out of furniture, carpets, and defunction. The issue is a fresh (rather than perfumy) scent.

Another great fox I have used is to lightly spritz fabrics with a bottle of diluted Lysol. Whereas Febreze temporarily masks scents, Lysol kills the germs and bacteria causing the odors, and then it lasts a lot longer. The kind I utilise leaves the sofa smelling faintly of oranges.

If you want something a piffling more clean or soapy-smelling, you can make your own fabric refresher past diluting some fabric softener in water. Bootleg Febreze for just a few pennies? Life can't amend than that!


12. DIY Furniture Smooth

To me, well-nigh furniture smooth brands become smelly afterwards they've sat on the furniture for a couple of hours. Recently I've been making my own.

If you lot have a lot of wooden surfaces, you tin can try this, also. Take a carrier oil (such as olive oil) and add together a drib or ii of essential oil and a lilliputian vinegar.

Use just a bit for dusting and polishing. Information technology volition cut through fingerprints and grit, shine up the wood, and leave behind whichever scent you chose to add. (I tend to go for clove and lavender because they last a long time.)

Recollect of it as getting ii jobs done at once: You are removing that stinky dust and replacing it with a much more inviting perfume.

The Smell of Abode

Keep On Pinnacle of Household Odors and Ever Accept a Home That Smells Nifty!

Most of these "solutions" are quick fixes for semi-emergency situations. Like when your mother-in-law decides to do a home inspection, or you desire to impress that engagement who is coming to option you upward in an hour.

For long-term adept smell, you really do take to go along the odors from starting in the get-go place. Run across choice two above for places that demand daily or weekly attending to forestall a build-up of horrific, hair-curling stench. And don't forget to air your business firm out regularly. Information technology is healthy, your firm, and your time to come guests.


© 2022 Jayme Kinsey

Fin from Barstow on Nov 18, 2019:

Some practiced advice and i like the tabular array with the chemical and the natural options.

I recall lemon works very well. I'm not sure nigh humid peels in water or the DIY furniture polish, only I may give it a endeavor.

Debbie Capps on August xxx, 2019:

honey all of the ideas! since I take ii dogs and a cat I am always concerned with whatever smell. I thing I read was the garbage disposal. I was e'er fighting that one. then my mom gave me the perfect recepie. whenever dishes are done we always take a cup of icecubes from the freezer and drib a fleck of pinesol on them before dumping them in the disposal and run it. the ice cleans upwards whatever gunk left in at that place and the few drops of pinesol makes information technology always odor fresh and make clean. I always sprinkle a scrap of baking soda on fresh vaccumed pet beds as well. also in the cat litter so information technology doesnt become as well bad.

Eric on January xv, 2018:

An splendid way to clean your garbage disposal is to apply a toilet castor on it. My disposal was evil-smelling and I found a thick blanket of gunk stuck to the interior. I scrubbed it with my toilet brush and it was squeaky clean. I've found I need to do this about every three months. on September 08, 2017:

I do Fabuloso on the stove too ! Great fast ready!

Joann on July 28, 2017:

Buy some plugins and then put them all over the house and open i and sprinkler all over the house all over on even outside the firm by the front door and information technology smells then squeamish really don't last that long merely information technology helps I even you can put some in a pot on the stove and boil information technology and it makes the house smell real nice

Yvonne on March 02, 2017:

Bang-up ideas. I also use diluted fabuloso in a pot on the stove burning on low for about xx min at a time throughout the 24-hour interval. Keen for getting rid of stale cig smoke smell.

JR Krishna from Bharat on August 22, 2015:

I use scented candles. When nosotros sit behind airtight doors, we don't actually realize the bad smell.

Ane of my friends suggested that candles without scent also assist in removing bad olfactory property especially the smell later on cleaning fish.

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on March 15, 2015:

Very useful. I love the scented dryer sheets tip for the windows, though I have only doors and just one window and door in front end of my apartment. Would that piece of work as well? Voted up!

Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on November x, 2014:

These are all wonderful tips!

Laura Schneider from Minnesota, USA on Nov 02, 2014:

You're my hero! I got so many not bad ideas out of your article I can't count them! I dear all of your home-fabricated solutions to stench and look forward to trying them. Here'southward one that I've used in the past: plow on the bread maker and savor hours of homey goodness smells. Cheers once again for your great ideas!! My dog and I might finally declare peace, or at to the lowest degree a truce :-) .

Shasta Matova from USA on November 02, 2014:

Each dwelling house does have a distinctive odor and I have tried to brand sure that the scent in my dwelling is a adept ane, but I'm non sure I always succeed. I have an "odour day" at my business firm, where instead of random cleaning, I make clean things that might be causing an olfactory property. This means cleaning out the refrigerator, taking out all the trash, changing bedsheets, washing dishes and doing all laundry. I hadn't thought most dust as being the crusade of olfactory property, but yes, y'all're correct. And books and paper tends to get musty as well.

Yous're provided a great listing of tips on making the house smell good.

Mary Hyatt from Florida on November 01, 2014:

One of my children gave me a candle warmer concluding Christmas, and I dear to cook cinnamon scented candles I buy at the candle store.

I dear the mode Pinesol makes my firm olfactory property, likewise. I call back nosotros all get accustomed to our own house'due south smell and don't discover the smell equally much every bit guests would.

Bully Hub, voted UP, etc. and shared.

Fiddleman on Nov 01, 2014:

Great hub and wonddrful mutual sense suggestions. The house e'er smeels good with those aromatic candles and a good mopping with pinesol. Taking out the garbage and keeping short accounts with the laundry hamper help. Nothing like opening a window or ii to let in fresh air.

Pollyanna Jones from United Kingdom on November 01, 2014:

In England, we take something called "Cooks Candles"; they come in a little can and are to an quondam formula that neutralises stiff smells from cooking. They were a godsend when I was suffering from morning sickness too! I make sure our windows are opened at least an inch each twenty-four hour period, to broadcast the air. Can't vanquish information technology to freshen up the house.

Dolores Monet from Eastward Coast, United States on November 01, 2014:

Opening the windows for a good air out is the best way to get rid of dried household smells. Even on a bright winter day, I refuse the rut and open upwardly. Simply I find evenings tin can exist the worst. After preparing a delicious dinner which oftentimes includes sauteed onions and other things that odor swell when cooking and eating, I find that after, it stinks to high heavens. The old cooking odors wind their way upwards the steps and right into my sleeping accommodation.

Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on October 31, 2014:

Gee, Jayme, I'd never heard of candle warmers. Thanks! Only putting a tensy-tiny drop of your favorite essential oil on the bulb of a lamp (before turning information technology on!) will serve the same purpose in a pinch. I've also merely moisture a make clean bath towel and thrown it into a dryer with a cloth softener canvas to get that "fresh laundry" odor in a hurry.

Bully tips! Upped and shared! ;D

MJ Martin aka Blood-red H Rose from Washington State on Oct 23, 2014:

Ambulation it out is my favorite pick and using lots of cracking candles with awesome scents.

Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, United states of america on Oct 23, 2014:

Thanks! Dear these ideas. ..especially the cotton fiber ball. Bombs.

Anna from chichester on Oct 22, 2014:

Splendid tips! Certainly for any household with pets these are really handy to have read!

Karen Kay from Jackson, MS on Oct 21, 2014:

Wow these are crawly tips! I am kind of paranoid about how our house might smell to guests, since we get used to the way it smells.... and we take cats! I am definitely using some of these.

Tanya Jones from Texas USA on October 21, 2014:

Great hub. Some wonderful ideas. I've been looking for a fashion to odour my apartment. Incense doesn't work. I want the scents to hang effectually for a while.

Snakesmum on October 21, 2014:

Beloved the idea of cotton brawl perfume bombs! Just got to endeavour that one. You have some really good ideas here, and sometimes the true cat olfactory property gets a bit much, non to mention the cooking aromas. Thanks for the tips.

Country Sunshine from Texas on October 21, 2014:

I continue my windows open up as much equally possible, as I like the smell of fresh air. I hadn't thought of using diluted Lysol, but think I'll proceed some handy in a spray bottle. Good tips!

Paula Atwell from Cleveland, OH on October 21, 2014:

Skillful suggestions. I do many of these, but opening the window is my favorite. (Or cleaning). :)

Marina from Clarksville TN on Oct 16, 2014:

Yesterday I did smell my laundry and I was thinking peradventure I just don't put enough of the detergent in. My husband uses more I think so information technology did smell good.

FlourishAnyway from Usa on October 16, 2014:

And then many of us are olfactory organ bullheaded that we should probably practice these things anyway, even if we believe our house already smells good.

Lori Colbo from U.s. on October 15, 2014:

Broil bread.

sheilamyers on October xiv, 2014:

Sharkye: Thanks for the additional data and advice. I'll exercise some research before using anything.

Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on October 14, 2014:

So many adept ideas for an instantly fresh-smelling room hither. Realtors promote the utilise of the cinnamon spice mixture on the stove (or warming device) for a homey aroma during open houses. I similar the open the windows idea and running a load of laundry. Sometimes I cascade bleach in the corners of the tiled shower and I'm amazed at how the make clean aroma permeates the entire firm. As a bonus, information technology kills that pesky mold that tends to detect damp places like the tub. Upward and interesting.

oldiesmusic from United States on October fourteen, 2014:

Nothing feels worse than a stinky room especially that my nose is so sensitive. I do my ain efforts to make my house smelling fresh, just I give thanks you for additional tips. They're very helpful for me.

Marina from Clarksville TN on Oct xiv, 2014:

The same with me Sharkye11. I can smell how peachy other people'south laundry smells and not mine!! My daughter always comments how other people's laundry smells better than ours. Yes the senses getting used to a smell can be so frustrating!! :-)

Jayme Kinsey (writer) from Oklahoma on October 13, 2014:

@Sheila -- I'm not sure. I would probably inquiry it or call a vet merely to be safe. I used Febreze with my cat and she was never ill, simply she also never licked anything simply her food bowl and her fur, and she never got on the upholstered furniture.

Equally for Lysol, I've diluted it for years as a cleaning solution. We used it on the subcontract and it was fine for animals, and we used it in both the nursing homes where I worked and at the children'due south museum. I think animals (or kids) would have to swallow quite a bit for it to exist toxic, and the taste would probably stop them from drinking that much.

But I would recommend asking a vet, if you are actually worried, or if you lot have pets that are more likely to lick. The fabric softener solution might non exist a skilful idea in that example, just the Lysol would probably be okay, or h2o with a drop or 2 of essential oil.

Jayme Kinsey (author) from Oklahoma on October 13, 2014:

@Marina -- I approximate and so. Its funny how information technology happens though. It seems like I wouldn't exist able to olfactory property laundry at my mother'south business firm, since we employ the same soap, but I can. To me, my own clothes merely smell like water, and a faint trace of the dryer sheets. Simply other people annotate on how dainty they smell, then I guess I'm doing something right!

Jayme Kinsey (author) from Oklahoma on October xiii, 2014:

@Bill--Yep, houses with pets tin be a bit evil-smelling at times. I learned most of these tricks because nosotros had the cat, and the house is it seemed similar the litter box was in every room! We as well had a pretty funky turtled at that fourth dimension, too. Hope some of these work for you lot! Thank you for reading!

Doris James MizBejabbers from Beautiful Southward on October thirteen, 2014:

Nothing like a make clean-smelling business firm. I like the natural way of running a lemon, orange, or lime peel through the garbage disposal to remove scent and make information technology odor like citrus. Likewise, there is a type of lamp i tin can buy that has an odour eliminator built in. Information technology uses a fragrant oil of one's choice, and doesn't just mask odors. I have one, and I'm ashamed that I tin't recall the name of it. Very good hub.

sheilamyers on Oct xiii, 2014:

These are some nifty tips. Some I've heard almost; others I haven't. I'll have to effort the homemade material freshener; yet, I do have a question about it. I've never used Frebreze or any of the others because I'm paranoid my cats will lick information technology and get ill. I've e'er heard that if Lysol is diluted enough, information technology'southward rubber for children. Is the same true for pets or should I bank check the internet for more information nearly it?

Marina from Clarksville TN on October 13, 2014:

I think the reason why it smells better at other people's homes, the laundry, is that at our own home we become used to the smell and so don't scent information technology.

Pecker Holland from Olympia, WA on October 13, 2014:

Thank you for the ideas. With two dogs and a cat, we need this.

Jayme Kinsey (author) from Oklahoma on October 13, 2014:

Thank yous, prairieprincess! I got the idea for the laundry because my mother's house always smells Then GOOD. And fifty-fifty though I use the same soap, dryer sheets, etc., I could swear my laundry has no nice aroma. Merely other people walk in and comment on it, and then I e'er employ information technology is as a super-fast way to brand everything clean-smelling if unexpected guests driblet in!

And I love my candle warmers! I had two, merely one finally simply cruel apart on me. I will take to replace it--its indispensable! Hope it works for you too!

Sharilee Swaity from Canada on October thirteen, 2014:

Hullo Sharkeye! This is a great commodity and it deserves more comments, but I am honoured to be the commencement one. Y'all did requite me a new idea: the candle warmer, and I hadn't thought of doing laundry for the smell just you are correct ... it does smell good! Have a great day. Pinning this one!


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